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Many events are cancelled or postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Conferences, concerts and sporting events have all been radically impacted by the widespread mystery illness that has already taken the lives of thousands around the globe. While things are certainly unsettling, it is good to know that there are measures that you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones from the virus that is wreaking havoc around the world.


Knowledge is Power

The most important protection you can take concerning the coronavirus is knowing how it spreads. While there is no current vaccination for the virus, it is widely known that it only spreads through close contact with an infected person. Ideally, you will be able to avoid any contact with infected parties or areas in which they have been. If that’s not possible for you, become informed about the steps being taken by places you may frequent to sanitize and reduce the spread of germs. If you must be around others, it’s crucial that you maintain a six-foot gap between you and others.


Personal Hygiene

Ultimately, the best way to reduce the spread of this virus and to protect yourself from contracting it is to wash your hands frequently. In the event that you don’t have access to antibacterial soap and water, try to always have hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol and plan on using it often. While your hands are unwashed, you should avoid touching your face and surfaces in a public place as much as possible. It’s also important that you cough or sneeze into your arm as opposed to your hand. 


Protecting Others

While certain demographics are less likely to experience the worst aspects of the coronavirus, there are groups that are far more susceptible to experience the worst symptoms and even death caused by the virus. If you are a caretaker for someone in one of these groups or find yourself in a position of being around them often, it’s vital that you take the above steps to protect them. That means not only keeping them away from those who have been exposed to the virus, but taking the needed steps to protect yourself so you do not carry the virus to them.